Monday, January 11, 2010

Poulet Roti (Roast Chicken) my husband went out to the grocery store last night and came back with a whole frying chicken. It is not any other normal chicken but an Amish country chicken that does not contain any antibiotic or hormone added, aka organic chicken.
He wanted roast chicken for dinner and I figured maybe it's time to start with one of Julia Child's poultry recipe. And so it begins... I salt the inside of the chicken along with butter and I rub the chicken skin with more butter. I cut some carrots and some onions and I spread the vegetables around the bird (to flavor the sauce). And then I stick the bird into the oven. However, sad to say, I did not truss the chicken like the recipe called for. Not that I don't want to but I don't any white strings or needle. Ok.. How many people out there actually truss the chicken? To be honest I have never trussed a chicken before except turkey that already came with a metal to fasten the drumsticks.
Nevertheless, 1 hr and 20 mins later (after much basting the bird while it's cooking), Voila, I have Poulet Roti! I have to say it is one of the best roast chicken I've ever eaten especially eating an organic chicken flavored with butter. The chicken is moist and tender and it's amazing! With the chicken gravy that are made out of stock and the juices in the pan enhanced even more flavor to the meat. Wonderful!! As for the accompaniments, I cooked some rice flavored with butter and some steamed broccoli.
I must agree with Julie Powell that there is no such thing as too much butter in French cuisine. Butter is your best friend when it comes to cooking!
I rate this roast chicken 10 out of 10!

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