Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Julie and Julia

I love food as much as I love cooking! I think cooking is one of the best therapy when you are alone, bored or to just want to get away from every day life. I love French food and I do have quite a few French cookbooks that I have collected over the years but unfortunately are not being used as much as it should have. One of my favorite collections are Le Cordon Blue cookbooks. I have the Le Cordon Blue At Home, Le Cordon Blue Complete Cooking Technique and Le Cordon Blue Dessert Technique.
Being a mom with two kids my life has totally been busy to the point I don't have much time to really cook a gourmet meal or doing any other craft stuff. But after watching Julie & Julia (the movie) I feel inspired by Julie Powell who is nothing more but a regular person just like you and me who has an uninspired job and wanted to do more in her life. And so she has this crazy idea to to cook every single recipe off from Julia's "Mastering the Art of French Cooking" cookbook (which contains 524 recipes by the way)in 365 days. The result? She did it!
I love the movie and I am going to buy her book, "Julie and Julia: 365 days, 524 Recipes, 1 Tiny Apartment Kitchen. After watching that movie I went out and buy Julia Child's Volume One Mastering the Art of French Cooking cookbook. This is going to be exciting and challenging for me at the same time being there are two toddlers in my house who love to play with my pots and pans in the kitchen. Not that I want to be like Julie cooking all the recipes off from the book, however, I am attempting to cook most of the French dishes that my family will eat. :) I will also try some of the French dishes from other French cookbook collections as well.
Bon Appetit!

Get the DVD from Amazon:

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