Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Boeuf Bourguignon

I have decided to make 'Bouef Bourguignon' last night since this one of the famous beef dish in France. I have never eaten boeuf bourguignon before and it seems to be super delicious when I saw it on Julie & Julia movie. So, I have decided to give it a try since I have 2.1 lb of stew meat.
Well, little I have known of that it takes a lot of time to prepare and cook boeuf bourguignon. It took me about 3 hours in total to prepare and cook. Of course I follow Julia Child's recipe which takes a lot longer on the preparation side but the outcome is superb. I wouldn't say this is my favorite French dish but definitely a pretty good stew. However, I have screwed up on one of the preparation (instead of sauteing the bacon only, i sauteed both bacon and the rind) but it turns out well. Also, I didn't realize it needs pearl onion (small white onions) at the end of the preparation and I don't have any. So, I substitute more yellow onions (it won't taste as great as the white onions but still pretty good) and brown braised it. Instead of using a fireproof casserole dish (I don't have any), I used a big pot. The taste is probably a little off since it's not cooked from a dutch oven. Well, I will never know till I get myself a dutch oven and cook it with or go to a French restaurant and try the boeuf bourguignon.

I guess I should invest myself a dutch oven- Lodge or Le Creuset?

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